Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I got a phone call my best friend Riker during sometime last week. He asked me if I wanted attend game that was on the upcoming Saturday. My team happened to be playing his, he told me that if I were up for it Natasha was going to get us some tickets. Natasha goes for the same side as Riker, so when I heard Riker told me it was Natasha who was organizing things, I knew it was going to being another of 'those' kind of nights.
What I mean by that is that it's going to be one of those 'pretty much double-date' nights, though technically I can't go ahead and call it that. Whenever Riker and his girlfriend Nat does something and they both bring their best friends, you can assume that the two best friends are forced to talk to each other when they start doing their 'couple things'. Yeah just one of 'those' nights.

The other three of us arrived at Natasha's apartment around lunchtime. As we all met Nat, she managed to get a quick tease about how her team was gonna beat my team by more than double the score, I made a face to her pretending to be upset as a joke. We then headed off to catch the train but we had just missed it and the next one that would be coming by would not be awhile. Riker and Natalie decided that they wanted to quickly get something to eat, so I was left with the other Nat. I initially liked that I already had time alone with her, but as I predicted it wasn't much of a conversation. She kept trying to initiate a conversation, but every attempt lead to an awkward pause. I would smile or laugh in response and just agree. She made a joke about both if Riker and Natalie missed the train, we'd have to meet them in the city and that would be funny. Again I laughed in response and agreed. But both Riker and his girlfriend did managed to get to the train on time, but only just.

The train ride wasn't that bad. I talked to Natasha most of the ride, pretty much just about our fantasy football teams and then internet memes. This lead for both me and Riker to educate the two Nats on the 101 of internet memes. We finally got to the city, it was decided that we were split our separate  ways before the game. Both me and Riker were going to Comic Con and the other two girls were going shopping. So while the Nats shopped and did their girly girl stuff, me and Riker were giving a treat to our inner nerds. Though only after a few hours, the four of us had enough and decided to hit up a restaurant for some food.
Me and Riker were late because we had to walk all the way up to the 
restaurant, which felt like a walk to the other side of the city. At the end of that long journey of a walk, I found myself sitting next to Natasha at the booth. Both the Nat's were sitting in the middle and as Riker sat next to her girlfriend, I had to sit next to Natasha. I was happy to see that they ordered a Blonde for me, which was my choice of beer. We ordered. Natasha was tossing up on two choices on the menu, but as the other Nat was busy talking to Riker, I was forced to put my opinion on her choice. It felt like that throughout the time we were at the restaurant. The most interesting thing out of the night though was that she successfully name out what Riker bought from the convention. It was a pair of gloves that Knuckles the Echidna wore in the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series. She smiled when I turned to look at her in shock, she let out a small giggle as she said "Pretty good, when all I had was a Nintendo as I grew up". I had to high-five her, I really had to.

It was time for the game. Because I was leading the group I sat down first, I found that it was Natasha who was the one who sat next to me, followed by Riker and then Natalie at the end. Again I was forced to talk to her, though I make it sound like a bad thing, it was pretty good. My team started the game under-preforming as Nat's team just kept getting points on the board. It was horrible as I displayed through my expressions on my face, Nat enjoyed them. The break came and I decided the both of us should get a beer, she didn't like the thought exactly because she didn't like of the selection of beers they served at the football. I was offended by what she said, I asked her why would she say that when my choice of beer is on the list. Not knowing that they sold Blondies at the football, she smiled and then agreed.
We got back to our seats, but we decided to move up seats so that the people to the left of us could get their friends to sit with them since there was space next to where I sat. Because of this idea, I got pushed over to the other side of the group and now sitting next to the other Nat. For the rest of the night, I didn't really get to speak to Natasha, and she seemed more quiet of the rest of the night.

As I talked to Riker's Nat, the topic of going to Disney on Ice came up. This was a conversation I had with her a few weeks ago. I had told Natalie that if Brittney said yes when I asked her out, I would eventually organize an actual double date to go see the show with an ice-skating session afterwards. But as you know, I eventually found out Brittney has a boyfriend, so there went that idea. I laughed to Natalie and said no, it's not going to happen anymore. She pouted. I told her we'd still go if she could find me a date for the double date. As I said that statement I absolutely predicted exactly would happen next; Natalie turned to her boyfriend and told him to find a date for a me, Riker then turned to the other Nat and asked if she wanted to be my date. Whether it be out of generosity, because she did want to go to see Disney on Ice, or maybe she likes me... but she said yes.

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